Showing posts with label #nutrition #food #metabolism #healthyandtasty #youghurtbowl #pomegranate #greensmoothie #spinach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #nutrition #food #metabolism #healthyandtasty #youghurtbowl #pomegranate #greensmoothie #spinach. Show all posts

Monday, 13 November 2017

All about eating


First I want to thank everyone for reading my recent posts :) I'm positively surprised for the popularity of my recent texts. This one is all about eating! If we eat well and fuel up the body with what it needs we'll feel physically good and that's self evidence. In addition there's also existing scientifically proven connection between nutrition and mental wellbeing so I have wanted to learn what it means to eat well and treat your body right. I'm finding that quite an inspiring and worth the effort challenge in the everyday life and I'm happy if I can give you some ideas to try. I promised to talk about it a bit more specifically what do I eat and what's good for our bodies and metabolism ...So here we go!

My every morning starts with taking a sip of aloe vera. Aloe is an excellent supplement for the wellbeing of the whole body! I drink this for my overall wellbeing and aloe has plenty of benefits to health. That you can figure out via google very quickly if your're interested in knowing more (: I warmly recommend to give it a try if you want to daily give something good to your body and start the metabolism effectively in the morning. (Ps. this bottle just won the 1st place of the listing of best natural health boosters of the year in Sweden)

People talk about protein a lot these days and it's no wonder since getting protein is quite important to our body and in the past it has been underrated a bit. Carbs haven't been particularly fashionable lately but our body NEEDS carbs as well. (And especially when and if you wish to burn fat or get leaner appearance!). The quality of the carbs important. Your body loves the good quality carbs that contain plenty of dietary fibre, are packed with nutrition and help you maintain an even blood sugar level for quite a long time. The so called bad carbs lack the nutrition completely for it's processed away in the making of the white flour, rice and pasta. The bad carbs are also called the "fast carbs." Those don't have anything your body actually needs and they bloat you up for the starch they have. The fast carbs do take the blood sugar up quickly but it comes down just as quickly since the processed carbs lack all the nutrition and dietary fibre our body desires. Thus the fast carbs are unable to maintain the blood sugar level even and it drops down fast. If you have a low blood sugar level you'll feel hungry and your body tells you that you should eat.
If you fuel your body mostly with bad quality carbs you're feeling hungry very often.

I love especially oat for it's tasty and very good quality carb containing also plenty of protein and nutrients! Those who follow me on ig have for sure spotted every now and then different kinda yoghurt bowls with rolled oats on my stories. This one in the pic I crafted on Sunday for breakfast. It was quite yummy! Making one is very simple and easy and this is packed with nutrition! (:

If you want to recreate this Pomegranate yoghurt bowl
 you'll need: 

  • about half a cup of rolled oats 
  • about a cup of natural youghurt (10% fat)
  • half of a pomegranate
  • some apple puree
  • cinnamon
  • pumpkin seeds & sunflower seeds
  •  a few dried apricots and brazil nuts 
Just pour the rolled oats to the bottom of the bowl, add about half of the pomegranate seeds, add the yoghurt, pour some apple puree into the bowl. Add to the top rest of the pomegranate seeds a bit of cinnamon and the seeds. Mince a bit the brazil nuts and the apricots and put on the top of the bowl. Ready! 😋 (ofc you can make also a bigger bowl if you want to!)

And in addition to suitable amounts of protein and good quality fats and carbs our body is designed to eat plenty of veggies & fruits! So in the end of this post I'll share a delicious nutrition packed green smoothie blend :)
  • two bananas
  • two granny smith apples
  • two small limes squeezed (or one big)
  • about a cup of fresh spinach leaves
  • half a cup of pineapple cubes
  • cup of mango cubes
  • one pear
  • about a handful of sea buckthorn berries
  • + little ice cubes & protein powder
Put everything into a powerful blender and blend the smoothie!

~Have a fantastic week!~