I wrote in my last post that I want to speak a bit about the things that have helped me becoming a happier - and probably also a better person. One of those things was to grow myself a self esteem depending on completely other things than a dolled up face with flawless make up, nice aesthetic clothing and appearing as good looking as possible all the time.
I still do love to do a make up, to decorate my face, to dress up beautifully and to play with cosmetics. I'm an aesthetic and I love to decorate things overall. Many females love doing that and there's nothing wrong with that...But if our feeling of self worth depends on and is based on the perfect make up the clothing the fitness of our body and other completely shallow things there's something wrong. At that point we become quite unhappy about ourselves since that 'perfection' people praise is surreal, shallow and at some level even artificial for no one of us wakes up every morning all dolled up.
When we are unhappy about ourselves we tend to get addicted to the reassurance given by others and beg for the positive attention based on the dolled up appearance and go to desperate measures to look as good as possible all the time which makes us feel even worse about ourselves since we feel like we are loved only when we appear "perfect" looking.
We are also quick to judge the "flaws" and the appearance of others when we are unable to accept and embrace the real not at all dolled up image in the mirror.
Eventually we must learn to love the imperfect and the real image of ourselves if we want to be happy. That's the only way to truly feel good about yourself and be able to be good to the people around you as well.
Being real sort of also makes you much more vulnerable to possible mean comments and the hecklers internet is full of. Still being real is worth it (and also much effortless tangibly and mentally than trying to appear as good good looking and flawless as possible all the time!)
You have to remember that people with the need to bully or criticize others based on ones face and looks are not the happy and balanced people.
Still I do see many things I don't particularly like when I'm looking at myself and I definitely don't consider myself the prettiest girl on earth...but I've learnt to own who I'm and I want to encourage people to just be real and embrace who you really are! You are not any less you or less beautiful without all the make up and effort. I think it's time to bring back the real instead of praising and considering something utterly surreal to be how we should look like and appear all the time.
You might get surprised how good being real feels like - and also about that how much people still love you whether you appear perfect all the time or not! You are good just as you are.
~Hopefully you'll have a wonderful week!~
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